Services built for your healing.

Read more using the drop-down menu. Private sessions center around energetic healing, channeling with your spirit guides, removing energetic blocks, and empowering YOU on your spiritual journey! Each session is offered both remotely and in Shosh’s private Tucson studio.

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
    This session combines all of Shosh’s healing and channeling expertise. Shosh uses Reiki treatment to cleanse the energy centers in your body, clear your aura, and connect you to your higher self. They will channel any messages that your guides, ancestors, or angels may have for you during this process and be able to define energetic imbalances and areas where deeper healing is necessary. You will receive detailed notes after the session by email.

  • 1 hour
    In this session Shosh will connect directly with your spirit team and Akashic records, which includes information from all of your past lives and timelines. This session is best guided by direct questions such as identifying “blocks”, uncovering your spiritual gifts, exploring past lives, or connecting with your ancestors/spirit guides. Shosh will work with your spirit team to channel information that is relevant to your inquiry and aligned with your highest timeline. When booking this session, make sure your reason for booking is as clear as possible for best results. Bring a pen & paper to take notes. Here are common questions that may be asked in a session like this:

    1) What energetic blockages are affecting me now and how can I resolve them?

    2) What do I need to let go of right now to better align on my path?

    3) Who are my current spirit guides and what messages might I be missing?

    4) Where is the Universe directing me right now?

    5) How can I connect more deeply with my ancestors?

    6) Do I have past life karma that is affecting me presently?

    7) Am I on the right path, career, or relationship?

    8) What am I not seeing in this current situation?

    9) Do I have spiritual gifts that can be identified at this moment?

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
    Past Life Integration is the journey of retrieving past life memories with the purpose of integrating the wisdom and healing into your current life. The intention of this work is to bring clarity, ancestral healing, break emotional/mental patterns, and/or explore connections to loved ones in this life. This work is able to bring deep healing and allows folks to embody a deeper sense of self-knowing. Each past life session is incredibly unique, and outcomes will be crafted according to your intentions/desires in doing this work. Shosh will be able to guide you in retrieving past life memories appropriate to your specific journey. It is recommended that you book a consultation call before scheduling this service.

  • This option can be added to any session you book This is a channeled drawing of one of your past lives, future selves, ancestors, or spirit guides. Shosh draws each being using their clairvoyant gifts and artistic abilities. The spirit that wants to be drawn will reveal itself based on whom you are being called to work or connect with in this present moment. You will receive this drawing within two weeks after your session.

  • Looking for monthly check-ins or longer-term work? I offer discounted healing packages on a case-by-case basis. This begins with booking a consultation where we can discuss your needs and what a long-term healing plan might look like for you.

“Their gift of sight is just amazing. The clarity in which they told me what they could see in turn helped me glimpse into myself. Sometimes the Divine needs to be reminded that they are Divine. It was confirming, uplifting, and encouraging. Whether you are new to spirituality or a seasoned practitioner, you will always get exactly what you need.” -Iya Daniyah

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I do not answer legal questions, I do not treat mental illnesses, this is not a replacement for therapy or medical procedures. You may find my Terms of Service here.

Spirit Guide Drawings

Here are some examples of previous drawings I have done: